
90/90 Hip Stretch

Physiotherapist Charissa Fermelis shows you a stretch for your hips and lower back.

Written by Charissa Fermelis

How to

1. A challenging stretching position to open up the hips and release tension from the back of the pelvis and lower spine. This is most effective if you can maintain a 90° angle at the front knee, between the thigh bones, and at the back knee.

2. Have the centre of your chest lined up with your front thigh bone. Keeping the spine tall and chest lifted, begin to project the chest forward over the front knee.


To increase the power of the stretch, direct your chest towards the centre of your front shin, and progress over towards the front ankle. This is a fantastic stretch to finish off a running session or high-intensity cardio workout, as well as releasing tension from the lower back after a weights session.

Stretch out your whole body with the be. Stretching Guide.

Written by Charissa Fermelis

Charissa Fermelis is a physiotherapist, Pilates practitioner and Director of Grounded Movement in Melbourne.

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