
Sky Squat Reach

Physiotherapist Charissa Fermelis shows you a stretch for your hips and back.

Written by Charissa Fermelis

How to

1. With your feet slightly wider than your hips, start with your legs turned out by externally rotating them within the hip joint.

2. Bring your hands together in front of you and lower yourself into a deep squat. Aim for perfect symmetry between the legs and elongation throughout the spine. Your sitting bones should be reaching evenly to the floor.

3. Add a chest rotation by reaching one arm towards the ceiling, opening across the chest and twisting through the ribs and waist.


Our hips and knee joints come equipped with large ranges of motion, allowing us to perform movements such as this deep squat. Children are able to sustain this position and play for long periods; it is a stable position with the centre of gravity low to the ground. As adults, we rarely access all of the available flexibility in these joints. When we only use a certain amount of movement, we develop stiffness and weakness.

Stretch out your whole body with the be. Stretching Guide.

Written by Charissa Fermelis

Charissa Fermelis is a physiotherapist, Pilates practitioner and Director of Grounded Movement in Melbourne.

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