Get in touch

Contact us

Message us

Use our web messaging to contact Medibank's Hospital & Provider Advocacy Team.

Messaging available: Monday to Friday 9am -5pm (AEST)


For more information about our web messaging service, click here.


Ring our Hospital and Provider Advocacy Team on 1300 130 460



Feedback and complaints

At Medibank, we value your comments and are continuously looking at ways to improve our products and services. If you have any feedback for us or require further explanation on any matter, please let us know.

At Medibank, we always aim to do the right thing by our providers - and we appreciate your positive feedback when we get it right!

We also recognize that sometimes we get things wrong. When this happens, we want to hear about it straight away so we can quickly fix it and, if necessary, adjust our products and services to avoid it happening again.

You can provide feedback or lodge a complaint with us via:

  • Phone: 1300 130 460 (Monday to Friday, 9 am -5 pm AEST)
  • Web messaging: click on Providers' Messaging Service on the bottom right of the screen (Monday to Friday, 9 am -5 pm AEST)

We have a complaint handling system in place to resolve complaints fairly and efficiently. You can read more about it in the Medibank Complaint Handling Policy for Providers.

If you're still dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can receive free, independent advice from the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman at or phone 1300 362 072.
