
Calculate your due date

Have you just found out you’re pregnant? Our due date calculator can help you estimate when your baby is due.

Written by Medibank

Have you just found out you’re pregnant? Congratulations!

Now you can use our due date calculator get an estimated date of when your baby is due.

How to calculate your due date

1. Enter the first day of your menstrual last period.

2. Enter your usual cycle length. This is the number of days between the first day of bleeding of one period, and the first day of bleeding of your next period. This tends to vary from 23 to 35 days. If you have irregular menstrual cycles, it may be difficult to calculate your ovulation date.

3. You will now get your estimated due date. The average pregnancy is calculated at 40 weeks (or 280 days) from the start of your last period. But remember, babies rarely keep to an exact timetable!

Note: The calculator provides an estimate based on the information you provide and may not be accurate. If you are pregnant, please seek advice from a medical professional.

Preparing for your baby

Here are some things to keep in mind if you have just found out you’re pregnant.

  • See your GP. If you did a home pregnancy test and got a positive result, you should make an appointment with your doctor to confirm and discuss the positive test results. Your doctor can also give you a check-up, and is a good place to start for advice on what is best for you to do next. Be aware that miscarriage, when a pregnancy stops growing, is very common in the first few weeks of pregnancy.
  • If you’re not already, start taking folic acid. Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend that women of childbearing age take 0.5 mg of folic acid supplements daily for at least one month before pregnancy and three months into the pregnancy. Folate helps to prevent birth defects in your baby’s brain and spinal cord, like spina bifida.
  • Think about your hospital birth options. Do you want to have your baby in a public or private hospital? And would you like a private obstetrician or not? In many cases, this will depend on whether you have a private health insurance policy that fits in with those needs.
  • Make sure you're covered. Remember that most insurers have a 12-month waiting period. This means you needed to have had the appropriate level of cover for 12 months before the baby is born. It's a good idea to contact your health insurer to make sure you are appropriately covered.

Is your family growing?

Discover useful information about planning for a baby, managing the postpartum period and the transition into parenthood - including care and birth options, pregnancy health cover and costs, fertility and IVF, tips from medical professionals and more. 

Is your family growing?

Discover useful information about planning for a baby, managing the postpartum period and the transition into parenthood - including care and birth options, pregnancy health cover and costs, fertility and IVF, tips from medical professionals and more. 

Written by Medibank

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