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Request a call back
Leave your details and a Medibank expert will be in touch to take you through your options. In providing your telephone number, you consent to Medibank contacting you about health insurance.
We'll have someone call you soon to help with any questions you have.
COVID-19 Health Assist - Expression of interest
Complete this form to express your interest in one of our programs. If you're eligible, a member of our team will call you within 2-3 business days.
What program are you interested in?
Sorry, only members with current Hospital cover are eligible to participate in these programs
Eligible Medibank members with Extras cover are able to access a range of telehealth services included on their cover - you can find out more here. Alternatively, if you would like to talk to one of our team about your cover, we're here on 132 331.
Your membership details
Please provide your details so we can know how to contact you.
Your contact details
By clicking Submit, I understand that Medibank or its subsidiaries may contact me to discuss my eligibility for the Covid-19 Heath Assist program(s), and will disclose my personal information within the Medibank Group of companies and to third party service providers. Please see Medibank’s privacy policy for further information about how Medibank will handle my personal information, and how to contact Medibank: https://www.medibank.com.au/privacy/
Thank you for expressing your interest in one of our COVID-19 Health Assist programs.
If you are eligible, one of our health professionals will call you in 2-3 business days to discuss your situation and help to enrol you in the relevant program.
There is no cost to participate, however some referred services may incur an out of pocket cost.