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Operating environment

An overview of Medibank's activities in 2018, performance against our milestones, a summary of Medibank's reform agenda, and our approach to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors.


We also delivered a range of health services across Australia including telehealth, in home care and care management, and distributed travel, life and pet insurance.

Better health


We have set a broader Customer Advocacy metric and added new targets for customer check-ins to ensure we’re matching customers to the right level of cover. We are also looking to double the number of customers who are receiving Medibank at Home services, and aiming to ensure every Medibank customer will have at least one annual health interaction with us by 2020.

Milestone summary



Our reform focus


See Improve healthcare value for more information about reform in 2018

“An increase is still an increase, but I want our customers to know that improving affordability remains a key focus and we need to keep working even harder to deliver on this promise for them”

CEO Craig Drummond, 25 January 2018


Medibank sustainability pillars

To reflect the importance of sustainability to our business and stakeholders, we formally report on these pillars for the first time in our 2018 Annual Report

To support our sustainability focus, Medibank participated in the Carbon Disclosure Project and Dow Jones Sustainability Index (finalised in September 2018) during the year.

We also had our community investment independently verified by the London Benchmarking Group. Medibank also takes into account the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in our sustainability activities.

Responsible investment

We are committed to ensuring that our investment portfolio is sustainable and we updated our Responsible Investment Policy to set out Medibank’s approach to considering ESG factors in our investment decisions.