
Easy cheesy quiche recipe

Love a dish that makes great leftovers? Try this easy cheesy quiche!

Written by Cassandra Fenaughty

Serve with a garden salad and fresh bread rolls. Substitute spinach and pumpkin with corn kernels and bacon, or leftover roasted vegetables for easy alternatives. Leftovers can be eaten cold the next day.

This dish can be prepared during the day, stored in the fridge and popped in the oven before dinner.


Nothing beats using your own fresh produce or materials around the house.
If you’re missing a thing or two, tick the items you need to add to your shopping list.

What to do

    1. Preheat oven to 180°C/160°C fan forced and line a pie dish with baking paper.

    2. Snip the corner off the spinach bag and squeeze out excess moisture.

    3. Mix all ingredients, pour into lined pie dish and bake for approximately 1 hour or until firm and golden.

    4. Allow to cool slightly before serving.

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Written by Cassandra Fenaughty

Cassandra Fenaughty is a health coach and the founder of a motivational cooking program for parents, Easy Grub Healthy Bub.

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