
How Fitbit can boost your family's health

Fitbit is a handy device that can show whether your family is getting enough exercise.

Written by Medibank

When you’re young, single, and full of energy, setting yourself fitness goals is an adventure. But as we get older and several wonderful distractions start to enter our lives (marriage, children, houses, careers) trying to manage personal fitness can become a little trickier.

Modern technology like wearable devices, fitness apps, and online tutorials can take much of the stress away from your fitness journey, leaving you with the single task of making the time to get out there – and get sweating!

Here are three big reasons why wearable devices like Fitbit can change you and your family’s health.

1. You can see the results

If somebody asked you how often you exercise, what would you say? What about if they asked you whether your fitness levels are increasing or decreasing? These are difficult questions to answer without the help of a gym coach. Fitbit acts as your virtual coach instead, tracking in easy-to-read graphs how much exercise you’re doing, and what results you’re achieving.

2. You can keep track of your family’s fitness

Fitbit uses Bluetooth technology to collate other Fitbits’ data, so you and your family can compare fitness goals, milestones, and day-to-day achievements. It takes the mystery out of the question, ‘Is my family exercising enough?’, and shows you in simple data the results.

3. You can take control of your health

Because there is more to good health than just exercise, there is more to a Fitbit than just an exercise tracker. You can log your sleep patterns, calorie intake, portion sizes, and intensity of workouts for a well rounded picture on your health. Good habits for kids start with good habits for parents: so look after yourself, and your children will follow.

Fitbit services are available for individuals aged 13 years or older. Parents or guardians should review these terms of use.

Written by Medibank

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