
How to set goals you'll actually keep

Lots of people use the new year to set goals… and forget them. Get set for success with these tips on how to set realistic goals and enjoy the journey.

Written by Editor Medibank

The new year is a great motivator because it can inspire you to set new goals. But this year is going to be different because you’re going to set realistic goals worthy of a big satisfying tick once they’re complete. Here’s how to do it and how Medibank can support you to achieve your goals.

1. Ladder up

At the beginning of a year it can be tempting to set big goals that you might spend the entire year working towards. But when things feel uncertain you might find more success in setting short term goals that will move you closer to your big goals in the long run. For example, if your big goal was to set up your own business, but you’re not sure if now is the right time you could start by setting a goal to take an online course in the industry or to engage with a mentor and then build on these goals month by month. Slow and steady wins the race!

2. Look within

Goals don’t have to be external. Try looking within to identify areas that you might want to improve. For example, your resolution might be to show more compassion or exercise more patience. Your goals might focus on setting boundaries or saying yes more.

3. Expand your mind

The most common new years resolutions centre around things we want to do but why not choose to focus on what we can learn instead. If you usually set health and fitness goals why not challenge yourself to read a book on the subject each month. If you were planning to visit a new destination, why not challenge yourself to learn the language or immerse yourself in their history instead.

4. Enjoy the journey

Whilst many of us rely on goals to motivate us, it’s important to remember that often the journey is more important than the destination. Achievements can be fleeting and it’s important to savour all the hard work you put into a goal. If you plan to read more books, savour each story. If you plan to hit a new running personal best, appreciate all the health benefits your fitness provides. There’s lots to enjoy outside each specific goal.

5. Be realistic

Honesty is important when you set goals. You want to pick a goal that’s both a challenge and achievable. Otherwise, if you set goals that are way out of reach within a short timeframe it will set you up for disappointment. The best way to assess whether a goal is realistic or not is to judge what you can control. Health and wellbeing goals are a great example because you can be proactive about the way you eat, move and feel. Winning an Academy award? You have a lot less control over the outcome.

How we can help you reach your goals in 2022

Medibank Better Minds Hub

Prioritising your mental health? We’ve got resources available to help guide you through your mental health journey.

Live Better at Home

Free virtual dance classes, mindful meditation sessions and hip-hop yoga. You’ll find these activities and more to help support your fitness goals.

Live Better Rewards

Earn points that can be redeemed for rewards when you complete goals. Use the goals to keep you motivated and inspired.

Healthy recipes

Need inspiration for healthier meals? We’ve got hundreds of tasty free recipes available online to help you stay on track with your meal goals.

Health support services and programs

We offer a range of health and wellbeing services and programs to help our members achieve better health. Programs include a weight management program to help eligible members with type 2 diabetes to lose weight and better manage their diabetes. Hear about Michael’s experience with the program.

Senior couple

Medibank Better Minds

Whether you’re unsure of what you’re feeling, looking out for a family member, or you simply need to hear another voice, we’re here to advise, guide and support you through your mental health journey.

Written by Editor Medibank

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