
7 ways to improve your mental fitness in 7 days

Simple ideas to help get the muscle of your mind in shape.

Written by Editor Medibank

Say you decided to run a marathon. Would you wake up on the day and hope for the best? Most of us probably couldn’t go the distance without the proper preparation. Instead, we’d train in the lead-up to build upon our endurance and fitness levels.

Now, what if we said you could do the same for your mental health by thinking about your brain as a muscle you need to train? Just like running a marathon, with regular training and exercises you’d be better equipped to take on life’s challenges. This is what mental fitness is all about. The idea that through training, we can become more mentally strong and resilient.

But while many of us include regular physical exercise as part of our health routines, we don’t necessarily take regular steps to keep our mental health in good shape. So, we’ve got 7 ways you can work on your mental fitness in 7 days.

Monday: Take time out to chill out

It’s the start of the regular work week so we thought we’d put this tip first. Find a space that’s free from distractions (including your phone), get comfortable and just be alone with your thoughts. A quick break from the hustle and bustle can help you see things in a new light. If you can, try to do this for at least a few minutes every day.

Tuesday: Do a bit of a digital detox

Our phones, TVs and electrical devices can be a distraction from what’s important. And they’re designed to keep us hooked! Every once in a while, do a bit of a digital clean up. This could be as simple as turning off some of your notifications, so you have less distractions throughout your day.

Wednesday: Make hump day hobby day

Whatever it is you love, make some time for it. Little things that are enjoyable can bring you more happiness and satisfaction, even if you only get to do them once per week.

Thursday: Observe your own feelings

How’s your week coming along? Have you had to have any tough conversations with friends or colleagues? Sometimes, difficult interactions can make us feel physical symptoms like a tightness in the chest or butterflies in the tummy. Next time you’re experiencing negative feelings, stop and ask yourself “what do I feel and where is it located in my body?” This practise can help make you an observer of these emotions and therefore more removed from them.

Friday: Talk it out with a friend

Something as simple as hanging out with someone you care about has been shown to have huge benefits on your mental wellbeing and can even increase your life expectancy. So, make time for your friends, they’re great for your mental fitness.

Saturday: Get outside / in

Sometimes, stepping outside can be the best way to work on your inner self. There’s plenty of research that supports the benefits of spending time in nature for treating conditions like stress, depression and anxiety. Plus, it’s the weekend, get outside and enjoy it.

Sunday: Breathe

Your breath is a powerful tool you can access and use anywhere, anytime. But since it’s Sunday, take a few minutes to practice your deep breathing exercises. This is a great way to ease your mind and any tension you may hold in your body. Plus, we think this is a great exercise to do before the start of another week.

Building up your mental fitness doesn’t have to be a marathon effort. With a little practice each day, you can help get your mind in great shape!

Flex your brain

Flex your brain

You don’t have to be an Einstein, but you’re clever enough to know mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness.

Written by Editor Medibank

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